The Gerber’s | Spring Family Session


This sweet family is literally my family! This is my brother, my sister-in-law and these sweet kiddos call me “Aunt Bethany”! It’s kind of a default at this point that I’m their family photographer…and I absolutely love it! They book a family session with me almost every single year! And it’s so fun to show up for a family gathering at their home and seeing my images all over their walls!

Most families book their sessions in the fall, but they opted for a Spring session this year and I’m obsessed with all the fresh greenery and the glowy sunset! But my favorite part is watching their family grow. I love this couple. I love their marriage. I love their children. I’m so honored to be related to this beautiful family!

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– soaking in motherhood
– packing up for a weekend camping trip
– trying out a new cookie recipe

When I'm not behind the camera, you'll find me

- genuine connection is everything
- photos deserve to be printed
- candid photos are more meaningful than posed

I believe that

– photographing all the little details
– iced coffee > hot coffee
– serving and loving on my clients

Things I love

Hi Friend, I'm Bethany!