We live in a digital world. Technology is always growing and advancing! But…no matter how amazing technology is there is always a chance that something could malfunction. As a photographer my job relies heavily on technology! Memory cards can go corrupt and computer hard drives can crash which is why I take this part of my job so seriously. It’s a huge priority that I keep your images as safe as possible. So, if you’ve ever wondered exactly what I do to keep your images safe or if you’re a fellow photographer reading this and wondering what you can do to ensure your client’s images stay safe, you’re in the right place! Fellow Photographers, listen up! Here are the steps I take to ensure the safety of the images I take for my clients.

The first thing I do when I get home from your wedding (after changing into slippers!) is to back up your files! I take all of your wedding day images in their original format and I back them up onto an external hard drive! This keeps them safe and in their original format until I am able to get to them to start the next steps.
The second way I keep your images safe is by leaving your images on the memory cards I used on your wedding day! These stay on there until AFTER your final gallery has been completely delivered to you! That way if anything were to happen to the files as I’m editing and uploading them, I still have the originals.
Once your gallery has been delivered via an online private gallery, I then back your final gallery up onto a second (backup) external hard drive for safe keeping. Once your gallery and original files have been backed up onto my external hard drive AND my backup external hard drive AND onto your online gallery is the only time that I will clear the memory cards.
Your fully edited gallery is always backed up online as well! I have galleries stored on my Dropbox and in your online gallery. This ensures that if my external hard drives would ever crash or go corrupt your images would still be available online as well!
{Bonus Pro Tip}
I always shoot on a dual card slot camera. Meaning my camera can hold two memory cards at a time! Each time I snap a picture that file gets recorded on both of my memory cards at the exact same time. So that even as I’m shooting your images are already backing up the moment I press the shutter. This is so that if anything would happen to one of the memory cards with all of your images I still have another entire memory card with the EXACT same images!
As you can see I always work super hard to keep your images safe in multiple places in case anything were to ever happen. As a photographer my job revolves around technology. If there’s one thing I know about technology it’s that you can never be too safe because anything can happen. If you’re a fellow photographer, I hope you found this information super helpful and it encourages you to go the extra mile for your own clients. Follow along for more photography tips both here and on my insta!

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